
We could not do the vast majority of what we do with our kids during the summer or during the season without the exceptional support provided by our NRXC parents.

Throughout the summer and into the season, there will be many opportunities to volunteer.  As a parent of some of our present and past athletes, I have taken this opportunity many times myself, and it's always been rewarding. As a coach, I am so appreciative of parents who step in and help me do things that I just could not manage on my own.

I hope you don't mind that we may sound like a broken record, but we appreciate it SO MUCH.  Thank you!!

After the summer training parent meeting, I will post links to Google Doc signup sheets in the table to the right.  From that point on, we'll just keep the sheets live and available for parents to access.  I'll try and control access based on the parent email list, but we may have to adjust if that doesn't work.

Note: As Google Doc signups are available, I'll post links to them here.

Signup Volunteer Opportunity
Oak Forest Wednesday Breakfasts
Driving for Saturday Long Runs
Pineview Day
Relay Fundraiser
Coach Catch
Cross-Country Camp
Pre-Meet Pasta Dinners
Homecoming Run
Bob Firman (Transp/Lodging/Logistics)
End of Season Banquet
NXR (Transp/Lodging/Logistics)